

2009年12月28日 星期一

宝贝的胎毛笔 ~ 一笔亲情 一生相随

鸾停鹄峙龙章凤姿 出水芙蓉大度汪洋

龙驹凤雏壮志凌云 鹏程万里扶遥直上

龙骧虎视经天纬地 壮心大海浩气山河

Calligraphy is a gem of the chinese traditional culture.

The Baby Hair Brush is a traditional chinese calligraphy brush that made is of the hair from the first haircut of newborn baby. This hair is so precious because only once in a lifetime the hair grown with natural sharp end. This brush is everlasting.

The history of Baby Hair Brush can be traced back to Tang Dynasty: a scholar used his own Baby Hair Brush during the examination and passed with flying colors. Hence, it was also named as Scholar Brush. This is the one and only significant gift that will always remind one of the love of his/her parent.

胎毛笔 ~ 一笔亲情 一生相随

"胎毛笔"即出生后第一次剪下的头发做成的笔。它具有人生“仅有一次”的自然发锋和更难得、更可贵的优点,千年不蛀,不腐。 自唐朝以来,就有制作“胎毛笔”的习俗。在唐朝齐卫《送胎发笔寄仁公诗》中就有“内为胎发外秋毫,绿玉新裁管束牢”的诗句。相传古时一书生进京赶考,用“胎毛笔”作文,一举中了状元,故又称之为“状元笔”。一则避邪,一则有纪念意义,弥足珍贵。后人常用以留作纪念、祈福、避邪、定情和寄托父母的关爱之情,让孩子一生牢记父母的养育之恩。

